This App provides introductory knowledge on Artificial Intelligence. It would come to a great help if you are about to select Artificial Intelligence as a course subject. You can briefly know about the areas of AI in which research is prospering.
✓ Artificial Intelligence Tutorial: Intelligent Systems,Research Areas,Agents and Environments,Popular Search Algorithms,Fuzzy Logic Systems,Natural Language Processing,...
✓ Artificial Neural Network Tutorial: Basic Concepts,Building Blocks,Learning & Adaptation,Supervised Learning,Unsupervised Learning,Learning Vector Quantization,Adaptive Resonance Theory,Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature MapsAssociate Memory Network,Hopfield Networks,Boltzmann Machine,Brain-State-in-a-Box Network,Optimization Using Hopfield Network…
✓ Includes more tutorial videos.
✓ Ability to learn on your own time from anywhere when you can’t access the internet.
✓ Optimized for most Android supported devices with enhanced graphics and design
Learn AI, Artificial Intelligence Tutorial Free, How to learn Artificial Intelligence